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If - Then

If - Then


1 John 1:6-7

you love for the pleasures and sins of this world but would also like to claim to be in a relationship with God THEN you need to read and think about what the apostle John says in 1 John 1:6-7.  We cannot have it both ways. We can fool people, but we cannot fool God. We may even feel spiritual, but we cannot trust our feelings - we must trust only in the word of God. We may feel like we are in a right relationship with God but if God feels like we are not, guess what?

On the other hand,
IF our heart and life is pointed toward heaven and we strive to live for Jesus and love to be close to Jesus, THEN we can have blessed assurance that the blood of Jesus is washing away the sins we try not to commit.

Luke 9:23-26

you struggle just to attend services every Sunday and Wednesday, and if it hurts to give too much of your God-given blessings back to God for the work of His kingdom, and if you resist the idea of serving God in some capacity at church to help the church grow, THEN you need to read and reread Luke 9:23-26.  Jesus is not just asking for an hour or two of your time each week - rather He places upon us the demand that we commit our lives totally and completely to His service.

On the other hand,
IF we do surrender our life to Christ and love to walk in His steps, THEN we can know that giving up our lives now in faith translates to eternal life now and then in heaven.

IF we hang onto this life, THEN we will lose life eternal.

IF that is the case, THEN repent because no matter how much you have in this life - no matter how much you win in this life - if you miss heaven, you lose!!


It’s all about Jesus.

And IF we make it all about Him now, THEN He will bless us richly both now and in eternity.
Adapted:  Walnut Hill church of Christ


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