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1. We believe that there is only One True God. Deut.6:4; 4:39; Mk.12:29,32; I Tim.2:5;
     Eph.4:4; Eph.4:4.
2. We believe that there are three personalities in the one true God - the Father, the Son and
     the Holy Spirit - Col.2:9; I Jn.5:7-8.
3. We believe that the Bible is the only inspired Word of God, and that it is our only
     Religious Authority - II Tim.3:16-17; II Pet.1:20-21.
4. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came to die on earth as
     our propitiation - Jn.3:16; Matt.16:16-17; Jn.1:14;Jn 2:2.
5.We believe in the Resurrection of Jesus - Lk.24:1-8;Matt:27:50-54;I Cor.15:1-8.
6. We believe that Jesus is the only Saviour - Acts 4:10-12; Jn.6:68-69; Eph.5:23;
7. We believe that Jesus is the only Mediator between God and man - I Tim.2:5;
8. We believe that Jesus Christ built a church and that it is the only one true church -
      Matt.16:18; Eph.5:27; 4:4;1:22-23.
9. We believe that only those in the Church will be Saved - Acts 2:47; Eph.5:23;
     Eph.1:22-23; II Tim.2:10.
10. We believe that the N.T. is the Law of Christ-Jn.12:48; II Jn.9; Gal.5:1,13;Jas.1:25
11. We believe that those within and without the church are amenable or liable to the
       law of Christ.
12. We believe that the O.T. law is not binding on any man today - II Cor.3:4-6;
       Eph.2:14-15; Col.2:14-16; Heb.8:6-8.
13. We believe that praises and thanksgiving to God must be done with our lips and    
       not instrumental music - Heb.13:15; Acts 2:42.
14. We believe that the first day of the week (Sunday) is the Lord's day for general
       worship - Rev.1:10; Acts 20:7; I Cor.16:1.
15. We believe that the miraculous gifts have ceased - I Cor.13:8-13.
16. We believe that leadership in the church is male - I Tim.2:8-15; I Cor.14:33-37.
17. We believe that religious division is sin - Jn.17:20-21; I Cor.1:10-13;
18. We believe in godly living (Holiness) - I Pet.1:14-16; 2:12; Tit.3:8-9; I Jn.2:15-17.
19. We believe that God will destroy the world and there will be resurrection of all 
      dead ones - II Pet. 3:8-13; Heb.1:10-12; Jn.5:28-29.
20. We believe that God will judge all persons and punish the ungodly -
       Matt.25:41-46; Rev.20:10-15; 21:8; 22:15.
21. We believe that the righteous will inherit Heaven and that those in the church that Jesus built
       are the righteous because they have been sanctified and have their names in Heaven -
       Col.3:1-3; II Cor.5:1-3; Matt.25:33-34; Rev.22:12-14; ICor.1:1-2; Heb.12:23.