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What to Expect In Our Worship Service

"God is Spirit and those who worship Him
 must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24)

One can expect the following during our Sunday morning assembly:
The Lord's Supper. The church in the New Testament observed the Lord's Supper on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7) to commemorate the death of Christ. We follow their Divinely guided example. This memorial observance consists of eating unleavened bread and drinking "fruit of the vine" (grape juice). These were the emblems Jesus used when he established this practice in Matthew 26:26-29. Observing this memorial follows the teaching of the Lord, the teaching of His apostles and the example of the New Testament church (I Cor 11 :23-26).  
Congregational Singing. Paul instructed Christians to sing songs of praise and exhortation in worship (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16). This, you will quickly notice, we do without any accompaniment of musical instruments. In these passages, there is no authority given for using any instruments except the voice and the heart. Because we desire to do only what is biblically authorized, we simply sing - no more, no less.
Prayer. At various times in our worship period, men will direct the thoughts of the congregation in prayer to God through Jesus Christ (Luke 18:1; I Thess 5:17).
Bible Preaching.  In order to encourage, inform, build faith and rebuke if necessary, time will be spent in the presentation of simple and understandable studies from God's word.  ( 1 Pet  2:2; 1 Cor  1:18-21) 
Contribution.  As commanded in (1Cor 16: 1-2 ) we give as we have prospered on the first day of the week.

These are the things you will observe in a Sunday assembly of the Christiansburg church of Christ. As was stated above, these are expressions of worship that can be clearly seen in the New Testament. Our desire is not to add to or take from God's word (Rev 22:18­-19), but to do only that for which we have authority.