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California Ave. Church of Christ

"Secret...Revealed Things"


"Secret...Revealed Things"



     Man can learn that there is a Creator from creation (Ps. 19: 1). However, while creation demonstrates the fact of order, power, and sovereignty, creation alone cannot articulate the mind of God in particular matters. The Creator has not left man without communication, though. This communication is the word of God. God has spoken through his Son and his Son speaks through his word (Heb. 1: 1, 2; John 6: 63, 12: 48, 2 John 9-11). Yet, God has chosen not to reveal certain things.


"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law" (Deut. 29: 29).

     Regarding the idea and meaning of "secret things," I shall share the following with you:


"…the meaning rather is, things in God’s purpose known only to himself: these things it is affirmed, belong to him, are his affair, and may be left with him. On the other hand, the things revealed are the things made known by God to man in his word….and with these men have to do…." "Secret things. The ‘secret things’ of this verse which God had not revealed regarding Israel’s future – especially the time and manner of the fulfillment of those promises and threatening which were made contingent on their obedience or disobedience" (Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 3: 449 and then from the homilitical section, pg. 456).

     In our Bible Question’s work, we have processed, answered, and done any needed follow up work on over 20, 000 questions. Regarding a certain percentage of these questions, we must refer the respondent to Deuteronomy 29: 29.

     Man is often inquisitive about many matters, some of interest, some trivial, but all secret. A question often asked is, "Does God have any plans after the judgment?" We know that God has two respective destinies for man; the saved shall bask in God’s glory in heaven and the wicked shall spend an eternity in hell (Matt. 25: 46). While we can read of heaven, there is much left unrevealed (Rev. 21). Hence, regarding this aspect of "secret things" (God’s sovereignty and future plans), we simply do not know, the particulars are only known by God. We do know, though, that heaven will be after the Judgment (Matt. 25: 14-46). We also know that heaven will not be here on earth because the earth will be destroyed (John 14: 1-6, 2 Pet. 3: 10-14).

     Regarding the future and God’s sovereignty, there is not a scintilla of evidence that after the Judgment God is going to start a new world with a new created man, as some speculate. All that is revealed points to heaven and hell being the final stages pertaining to man. To toy with the idea of some physical "future man" subsequent to the Judgment is not only not revealed and contrary to what is revealed, but is also comparatively trivial in nature (we must respect the silence of the scriptures in view of what is revealed, (Heb. 7: 11-14).

     There are inquiries as to matters perhaps not involving "secret things" (God’s sovereignty pertaining to the future is the primary idea of Deuteronomy 29: 29), but they are of interest.