Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


G. K. Wallace vs Carl Ketcherside (Anti positions - local preachers and colleges)
December 17, 1953
St. Louis, Missouri

(By A. G. Hobbs)

Oct. 26-30 at St. Louis, five nights.

The first two nights bro. Wallace affirmed: The right for elders of the church to use an evangelist to assist them in preaching the gospel and in developing work under their oversight. He pointed out that the length of time was a matter of judgment of the elders. Bro. Ketcherside denied the elders this liberty and rights and made charges against what he calls the "hireling pastor system" and impugned the motive of all gospel preachers, charging that they just preach for pay if they work as located evangelists. Bro. Wallace denied that we have any such system.

Then bro. Ketcherside affirmed the 3rd night that preachers have the right to exercise authority of oversight , pastoring congregations they have established. Ketcherside used Titus 1:5; and then admitted that Paul, not Titus, most likely established the congregation in Crete. Their position is that evangelists can pastor a congregation, and several at a time, until bishops are appointed. The 5th night Ketcherside affirmed that Christian colleges are wrong. Bro. Wallace did an excellent job, and we were pleased with his work. (He endorsed the Wallace-Ketcherside debate.)