Jon Gary Williams
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Joe S. Warlick vs F. L. Dupont (Baptist)
October 18, 1900
Sydney, Texas

(By L. C. Wells)

Debate as Sydney, Tx., Sept. 2-5

On the question of the direct operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion Dupont was completely routed. Bro. Warlick's first speech on the negative was as fine as any heard fall from the lips of man. Dupont affirmed: the impossibility of apostasy. Bro. Warlick is a specialist on the subject. Every scripture that Dupont used was turned against him and he completely failed.

The debate drew great crowds, but disciples outweighed Baptists towards the end. The speakers behaved very well toward each other. This was their 4th debate. They are jolly good friends and engaged in many pleasantries, both during the debate and at intermissions.

In appearance and manner, the two men are the two antipodes of each other. Bro. Warlick is small and wiry, and is a natural orator, having a regular Henry Clay mouth. His memory is superior to that of any other man I ever met.

During the whole 24 hours of discussion he took not a single note and opened his Bible to read his proof text once. He has held something over 70 debates, and is currently the leading debater in the great state of Texas.

Dupont is portly and dignified, and is by no means an orator, but has a shrewd, analytical mind, and makes a good defense of the Baptist cause as is possible. The Baptists regard him as their strongest representative in the state. He seems to be the very impersonation of candor and honesty.