Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs J. K. P. Williams (Baptist)
March 13, 1902
Nashville, Arkansas

(By G. S. Spurlock)

Six days debate at County Line Baptist Church, seven miles west of Nashville, Ark.

The ground was covered with ice and snow. People of all classes came in crowds to hear the two champions from Texas. The church or kingdom, conversion, operation of the Spirit, and apostasy were discussed. From start to finish the debate was interesting and exhaustive. At times Warlick pressed Williams so hard that he took refuge with universalism; and when Warlick routed him from this position, he sought safety in the old Hardshell Baptist fortress. Mr. Williams is an able defender of Baptist doctrine, is a perfect gentleman, and is a fair man in debate. Bro. Warlick, however, is superior to Williams in debating ability and in a knowledge of the scriptures, and gained a grand victory for the truth. Our brethren were well pleased, but the Baptists are not satisfied, and want to have another debate with J. N. Hall as their champion.