Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs H. F. Vermilion and J. N. Milburn (Baptists)
August 7, 1902
Village, Arkansas and Maple, Arkansas

(By Joe S. Warlick)

Two debates were scheduled with J. N. Hall at Village, Ark. and Maple, Ark. Hall stuck a nail in his foot and was unable to debate, but sent H. F. Vermilion. The Baptists in Maple accepted him and we began on time. Vermilion is about the strongest man they have in Ark., they say. I know several Bap. in Texas who are better debaters. He has some ability and gentlemanly in his bearing and deportment. His failure was the weakness of his doctrine, not the man. The debate was, I am told, a great success for truth. Several Baptists became disgusted with Bap. doctrine. Three expressed this to our brethren. But this should be no surprise; for when the truth is not run over or covered up by the opposition, it will prove effective. Later reports from Village is encouraging.

Mr. J. N. Milburn was moderator for Vermilion at the Village debate. He arrived at Maple to sub for J. N. Hall. At first the Baptists refused to put him up. Wiring Hall, they were told to back Milburn. In the past Milburn was a strong man, but he is failing, and the worst of it all is that he does not think so. He is a failure from every standpoint. In this debate he broke his record by acting reasonably nice. Some parties told me that they had learned the truth during the discussion, and our brethren feel that it is impossible to estimate the good done in the debate. The Baptists excused their defeat on the ground that

Milburn was too old to represent them, while at Village they claimed that Vermilion was too young; but the truth is, the latter gentleman is two years younger than I am . Both debates were largely attended, and were listened to with patience.