Jon Gary Williams
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Joe S. Warlick vs J. Carroll Stark (Christian Church - instrumental music)
Henderson, Tennessee

(By John E. Dunn)

The Christian Church at Henderson did not want the debate and voted against it, but agreed to give Stark lodging. (Christina Church preachers did not come.) Stark tried to split the church in McMinnville. F. W. Smith promised him a debate with some loyal brother. Stark took the position that "instrumental music is eminently scriptural."

Our people attended in great numbers. The results were highly satisfactory. Young preachers took notes. I have never attended a debate in which the truth was as complete and victory as this one. I believe that the fruits of this debate will be rich for pure, New Testament worship. Stark could not sustain his position. People of the denominations and his own people admitted this. The debate was smooth and good feelings prevailed.

He made two arguments: (1) The Old testament (mainly Psalms). He took the same position as Methodists and Presbyterians take in defense of infant church membership and sprinkling for baptism. (2) "Psallo" from Greek. Warlick took scriptures and lexicons and turned them against Stark.

Warlick made many strong arguments and appeal for purity of N.T. worship with telling effect. His first trip to Tennessee (?) He preached at Nashville Bible School. He demonstrated ability as a preacher of the gospel. He is clean, courteous, pleasant, shrewd, and quick; he understands the art of debating and is familiar with the Bible; above all he is loyal to the word of God. Brethren whop came: F. W. Smith, F. B. Srygley, Jesse P. Sewell, John E. Dunn, A. G. Freed, N. B. Hardeman, L. L. Brigance.