Jon Gary Williams
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Joe S. Warlick vs R. H. Pique (Methodist)
January 18, 1906
Henry County, Tennessee

(By W. T. Boaz) 

Well Academy, Henry Co., Tenn. Dec. 12-17

This was my first time to hear Bro. Warlick, while I have heard Pique many times. Mr. Pique was considered the roughest man that had ever debated in this county. So we longed to see him in Warlick's hands. And if a man was completely routed, driven from everything, and so completely exposed, even in his foolishness, that he even appeared silly to the audience, R.H. Pique was. He was simply a pygmy in the hands of a giant. Many Methodists were free to speak of the great difference in the men, and would even say that Warlick was the smartest man that they had ever heard.

Bro. Warlick did not take one note said by Pique, nor did he open his Bible to ready from it in any speech. He did not have a book of any kind in his hands to read from during the debate. Some of the brethren said they got sorry for Pique, but I did not; I never had any sympathy for a man of his kind. I know him too well. 25 preachers of the church of Christ were present, but only 3 Methodist And none of them there long.

Bro. F. B. Srygley moderated for bro. Warlick, while Mr. Tom Barton moderated form Pique. Mr. Barton wanted to do the right thing, and once told Pique to "stick to the subject," but that he could not do. On the last proposition he discussed 6 different questions by actual count, and left the debate proposition. I feel sure the debate will go great good. It is supposed that 1500 people attended this debate. Visitors were well cared for, and all seemed to enjoy their stay in that locality.