Jon Gary Williams
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Joe S. Warlick vs I. N. Penick (Baptist)
April 26, 1906
Indian Creek, Wayne, Co., Tennessee

(By I. B. Bradley)

I attended the Warlick-Penick debate on Indian Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn. Beginning on Tues., April 10 for 4 days.

The debate was conducted on a high plane with no resort to sarcasm, sophistry or personalities. There was not a point of order raised during the entire debate. Penick ,manifested earnestness and zeal for the cause he represents , but the readiness with which Warlick met his arguments often threw him into confusion, and often his prepared addresses were complete misfits. Bro. Warlick ably sustained the cause of truth and maintained he reputation as a debater. The cause will never suffer in his hands.

These gentlemen proved to those who attended the discussion that religious debates can be conducted upon a high plane and without mudslinging. The debate can but do good. We must hold our dignity even in the heat of discussion.