Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs R. H. Pique (Methodist)
October 15, 1908
Burns, Tennessee

(By I. B. Bradley)

Held at the Methodist church at Burns, Tenn, beginning Sept. 29.

R. H. Pique affirmed: general church proposition and lead for 2 days.

Mr. Pique is weak in argument. Bro. Warlick met him on every point ands exposed his sophistry and perversion of scripture . Mr. Pique pursued the usual line of argument taken by pedo Baptist on the establishment of the church, its membership, and its law of admission. His speech 2nd day was a rehash of 1st day, with scarcely a new idea.

On 3rd and 4th days bro. Warlick affirmed: The church with which I, J. S. Warlick, am identified is scriptural in origin, doctrine and practice. This he abundantly sustained from the prophets of the O.T. and apostles of the N.T. showing the church was established on Pentecost and abundantly proving the action of baptism to be immersion and not sprinkling or pouting, and that only believers are scriptural subjects for baptism. Mr. Pique made no effort to answer. He tried new issues to catch people's mind. He would not meet the issue like a man. Warlick's extraordinary memory and wonderful familiarity with the word of God stood out in great contrast with Pique's woeful forgetfulness and ignorance of the scriptures. Warlick quoted from the Bible the entire time; Pique used a scrap book.

The debate was precipitated by an unprovoked attack made by Pique one year ago upon the church of Christ. The Methodist did not want to debate, but the brethren felt outraged and demanded an opportunity to test the merits of the two respective claimants as to the scripturalness of position.

The church is perfectly delighted and satisfied with bro. Warlick's defense of the truth; but we learn that the Methodist, at least some of them, are not pleased with Pique's defense of Methodism. We believe the debate will do much good.

There were 16 Christian preachers present and two Methodists.