Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs J. S. Washburn (Seventh-day Advantist)
March 28, 1909
Memphis, Tennessee

(By Unknown)

A 10 days discussion between Joe S. Warlick and J. S. Washburn is a large tent at the corner of Union and Cooper streets, Memphis, Tenn. Beginning March 23 the following propositions were signed.

1) The scriptures teach that the Sabbath of the decalogue is now in force and is binding on all men.
2) The scriptures teach that the first day of the week is the Lord's day and should be observed as such by Christians.
3) The scriptures teach that man is wholly mortal, and unconscious between death and the resurrection. 4) The scriptures teach that Christ has already set up his final and eternal kingdom.

Washburn affirmed the first and third; Warlick, the second and fourth. Washburn is a man of reputation having served his people in London, England and Washington, D.C. The brethren in Memphis extended a cordial invitation to all to attend the discussion.