Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Joe S. Warlick vs Ben M. Bogard (Baptist)
April 1, 1909
Amory, Mississippi

(By E. J. Pinagar)

Beginning on March 16 and continuing for four days, bro. Joe S. Warlick engaged Ben M. Bogard (Bap.) In debate at Christian Chapel, near Amory, Miss. The brethren are delighted with the results of the debate, but the Baptists are very sore. They say they didn't have a fair chance. This we all know, for bro. Warlick had the truth and Bogard had error.

It seems that Bogard is unable to quote scripture. If he quoted a single passage correctly during the debate, I failed to note it. He is altogether unreliable on matters of history. Bro Warlick quoted 17 passages of scriptures and made an argument on each, showing where and when the believer received eternal life; and Bogard said in his first speech that he would not try to answer them. Bro. Warlick pressed him hard all the time, in every speech, to try to answer, but he would not.

The congregation at Christian Chapel has supported 4 debates during the last 5 years. The congregation has been established only about 6 years and the membership numbers 130 active, working members. They are willing to work and do work. Debates helped them to grow.