Jon Gary Williams
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J. P. Watson vs Sam Edwards (Baptist)
July 1, 1908
Boiling Springs, Tennessee

The debate at Boiling Springs, Tenn., between J. P. Watson and Sam Edwards (May 16) was only one session of 4 hours.

Edwards affirmed: "Water baptism to the penitent believer is for (because of) the remission of sins." Bro. Watson denied the part that said "for" means "because of."

The time was unfairly divided, Edwards would not divide the time equally. Edwards tried to answer a list of questions bro. Watson had asked A. Malone two years before at Westmoreland, Tenn. instead of giving affirmative arguments. Bro. Watson objected to such a procedure as he had asked Edwards no questions, but bro. Watson's moderator said let him go ahead and waste his time and that's what he did. He answered questions that were 2 years old.

The debate turned on "eis" of Acts 2:38. Bro. Watson showed that the scholarship of the word gave "for" as "in order to" He used Winer, Axtell, Foster, Hackett and Wilmarth. Bro. Watson introduced a great Methodist scholar, R. Watson, who said in Theological Institutes (Vol. II, p. 274) that the apostles exhorted men to "repent and be baptized in order to remission of sins," and (p. 274) as saying of baptism: "When it is done in true faith, it becomes an instrument of salvation."

Edwards was completely smashed. He failed to give one single scholar on his side of the question, So the truth that baptism is for the r. of s. was abundantly established and the old and long-ago exploded theory of "because of" was completely upset again.