Jon Gary Williams
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L. S. White vs J. C. Mason (Missionary Society)
May 16, 1907
Dallas, Texas

(By A. B. Barret)

Held at Pearl and Bryan church in Dallas, Tx., April 16-18.

Much interest and well attended. This is the first time this subject was debated.

Mr. Mason aff: "The Texas Missionary Convention, with its executive board, is working in harmony with the New Testament. Mason planted himself on Acts 6 claiming here was the first convention ever assembled, and that the appointment of the seven was the executive board. He fought the entire battle on this contention. Of course bro. White had no trouble in meeting his opponent on all the ground. The speakers conducted themselves very well. Mr. Mason intimated that they would like to have a debate repeated. About 15 of our preachers signed his proposition., with one on the music question; and bro. White urged his brethren to sign them with us, telling him we would debate in every town in Texas where there are two congregations. So far they have not signed them. They won't.