Jon Gary Williams
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Report Following Above Debate
March 19, 1908

(By Unknown)

After the debate a meeting was held by L. S. White at the Presbyterian church in Cincinnati. The audience was made up of representative intellectual citizens who were attracted by bro. White's boldness and ability in the debate. 90% who attended came as a direct result of the debate. (This was the same building where Alexander Campbell debated N. L. Rice in 1842.)

Persons at the debate have expressed admiring surprise that any public man could possess the ready knowledge of the book - both at his fingers end and his tongue's end. In the debate with Mr. Russell bro. White's familiarity with the word amazed many of Mr. Russell's followers and the impartial audience. White's ability to prove everything he says by immediate reference to book, chapter and verse absolutely clenched his statements. Five were baptized in the meeting. Twenty-four were later baptized.