Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


U. G. Wilkinson vs A. Nunery (Baptist)
December 24, 1908
Duke, Oklahoma

(By Unknown)

Mr. Nunery made strong efforts to establish his proposition, but the unscripturalness, irrelevance, and inconsistency of his arguments could readily be seen when bro. Wilkinson presented the truth. He has a condensed but effective manner of answering his opponent's arguments that all debaters should cultivate.

The brethren thought it advisable to hold a few-days meeting. At the Lord's service a deacon of the Baptist church, who attended the debate, confessed faith in Christ and was baptized for the remission of sins. Several of his Baptist brethren were present when he made the confession. So he got up and cooly stated to them that he left he Baptist church with no ill will but because he believed the Bible. It was very impressive.