Jon Gary Williams
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John R. Williams vs R. H. Pique (Methodist)
March 15, 1906
Elbridge, Tennessee

(By J. W. Dunn)

Elbridge is a Methodist stronghold. Debate held on Feb. 13-16.

The church question discussed. Methodists often said bro. Williams would not meet Pique, and if he did it would be one-sided, but their minds have been happily disabused. The attention and attendance very good.

Many who have heard Mr. Pique before thought he conducted himself in a more gentlemanly way than usual. Bro. Williams' conduct was that of a pious, Christian gentleman. In a strong, forceful way he met Pique's arguments to the perfect satisfaction of his brethren. Several preaching brethren were there - we expect good to result. Elbrideg is near bro. Williams' home, and we find him admired most where he is best known. Certainly he has done a noble work for the Master's cause in his section.