Jon Gary Williams
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John R. Williams vs W. F. Maxedon (Methodist)
October 25, 1906
Lake County, Tennessee

(By L. D. Williams)

Crockett's Chapel in Lake Co. Tenn. - 4 days. The church propositions discussed. I moderated for my father, John R. Williams.

Mr. Maxedon is a man of great zeal but a weak debater - at times the debate a dull. At first the brethren chose me to debate. Maxedon refused because he was "too superior for me." Maxedon said he had rather be beaten by an old debater than a new one. He wanted honor from this debate for himself. The truth of the matter is - Maxedon did not want a debate, and tried to get out by refusing to meet me on th ground that was not his equal, thinking that my father would not waste time with him. I presented propositions twice during the debate, but Maxedon could not be persuaded to sign them.

After boasting of his knowledge of Greek, it was clearly shown that he was not an English scholar. After repeated references to me as his inferior, he was challenged for a competitive examination, that we might test our standing; but he refused to do this. Our brethren are all rejoicing over the great victory for truth.