Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Guy N. Woods vs Calvin Gregory (Baptist)
March 9, 1950
Hartsville, Tennessee

(By Thomas H. Burton)

Guy N. Woods vs Calvin Gregory at Hartsville, Tenn., Jan. 17-20, with two sessions per day with two hours each. Subject was salvation before or after baptism.

Gregory's main stock in trade was ridicule. He apparently knew more about Alex. Campbell and his own son, Wickliffe, than he did the Bible. Bro. Woods stayed with the issue, answered all scriptures given and questions asked that were relevant to the subject.

Before the debate closed, the Lafayette and other Macon county congregations challenged Mr. Gregory to meet bro. Woods in Lafayette. To this he agreed, and plans are being laid for that discussion to be sometime this year.

Our crowds were very large. It was estimated that there were 800 in the courtroom and 500 in town who could not get in. People would begin to arrive at 7:30, bring their lunch, get and hold their seat till 3:00 p.m. I have seldom seen such interest manifested. At least one came from Indiana, several came from Louisville, Owensboro, and other points in Ky.; also from Dickson, Chattanooga, Nashville, and other points of a distance in Tenn. and probably some from Ala.

At least 150 gospel preachers attended. Hundreds heard a debate for the first time. Some liked it, and some did not. A good spirit prevailed and behavior was above that which might have been expected under conditions that prevailed . A 25 year old many obeyed the gospel at Watertown, Feb. 12, having been led out of error into the truth as a result of the debate. Some said that we should have a debate once a month, as it caused people to read the Bible more than anything else.