Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Guy N. Woods vs Roy E. Cogdill (Orphan homes, cooperation in evangelism)
October 23, 1958
Birmingham, Alabama

(By G. K. Wallace)

Bro. Woods defended the orphan homes that exist in the brotherhood and the right of churches to help each other in good works, such as radio programs. It was not surprising to hear bro. Cogdill take Carl Ketcherside's position on the college question during the debate. These brethren have already joined bro. Ketcherside on the orphan home question. On p. 164 of the Woods-Cogdill debate bro. Cogdill says, "The fact of the business is public education in this country is a function of, not the home, but a function of the state. The home simply takes the advantage of it - that is the idea - ands sends the children to it." This has ever been the opposition to Christian colleges. They argue that the education of the child is the responsibility of the state and not the home. I believe if Cogdill and Ketgcherside could agree who would be head man they would merge their forces.