Jon Gary Williams
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Guy N. Woods vs A. C. Grider (Orphan homes, cooperation in evangelism)
August 24, 1961
Louisville, Kentucky

(By W. L. Totty)

July 10-14 at Lousiville, Ky. Held at Gottschalk H. S. Auditorium.

1,000 attended nightly. Bro. Woods represented the Bardstown Road church; Grider represented the Preston Highway church.

Grider fore 3 nights aff. the unscripturalness for churches to support orphan homes. Bro. Grider has a reputation of being a fairly good debater, but here he was weak. He said he wasn't going to do anything and he didn't. He depended on his ability to clown in order to draw attention away from the issue. His main contention was that it was unscriptural for the church to help anyone who is not a saint. The majority of the Lousiville preachers who have opposed the orphan homes were not pleased with Grider and did not support him in the debate. Not to feed a hungry child was too extreme for them. Grider said the orphan homes are semi-penal institutions; yet, after having thus condemned them, he said it would be scriptural for a church to send abnormal children to orphan homes; children who, because of physical or mental handicaps, could not be cared for in private homes.
Grider spent a great deal of his time abusing the orphan homes, showing figures of how much money the orphan homes had received , all of which, if it were true. Would not have proved a collective children's home to be unscriptural. It might have proved that there many have been abuses in the home, just as there have been in churches. Bro. Grider's statements concerning the income of orphan homes was not correct and, therefore, was unreliable.

Bro. Grider contended that Jam. 1:27 applies only to individuals , because that passage requires keeping oneself unspotted from the world in order to practice pure and undefiled religion; and he said the church could not do that. Grider charged bro. Woods' position as accepting the part of Jam. 1:27 which commands us to visit the fatherless and widows but rejecting the part which says to keep oneself unspotted from the world. In support of his contention, Grider cited a case when a liquor dealer, he said, made a donation to one of the orphan homes; and if Wood's position were true, the liquor dealer practiced pure and undefiled religion. Bro. Woods answered by citing Eph. 5:27 which states that Christ presented the church to himself without "spot," therefore, the church must keep itself unspotted from the world. He also showed that if the liquor dealer made a contribution to the orphan home he was visiting the fatherless; therefore, according to Jam. 1:27, but that he was keeping himself unspotted from the world. He further stated that bro. Grider kept himself unspotted from the world, but did not visit the fatherless; therefore, according to Jam. 1:27, he was no different from the liquor dealer, except the liquor dealer did have compassion for needy children.

The last two nights bro. Woods aff. that it is scriptural for churches of Christ to cooperate in the work of evangelism as is being done in financing the Herald of Truth Radio and Television Program. His affirmative arguments were excellent. He produced abundant proof from the N. T. That such work is in harmony with the scriptures. Grider ignored almost every argument which bro. Woods made. Grider conducted most of his part of the discussion the last two nights as if bro. Woods had not make a speech, but continued to clown and ridicule.

In an attempt to lead bro. Woods into a trap, bro. Grider placed himself in a dilemma which was amusing to the audience but painful to bro. Grider. He gave bro. Woods a list of questions which he had framed so they would require negative answers. He had sent a similar list to the Missionary Society which also required negative answers. Bro. Woods answered his questions. Grider then presented the list which the Missionary Society had answered and stated that because Bro. Woods gave the same answers as the Missionary Society; therefore, the Herald of Truth is a missionary society. Woods countered by saying that the Devil confessed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Grider saw that, according to his logic, if Woods' answering questions the same as the Missionary Society made the Herald of Truth a missionary society, then Grider's answering a question the same as the Devil would class him with the Devil; therefore , he refused to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His embarrassment was evident to all the audience.

Bro. Woods is a great debater. His defense of the truth in this discussion was the very best. Matthew Morrison, who preaches for the Bardstown Road church, did a fine job in operating the opaque projector and making charts for bro. Woods.