Jon Gary Williams
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A. W. Young vs J. K. P. Williams (Baptist)
February 22, 1900
Crafton, Tennessee

(By R. F. Whitaker)

Debate at Crafton, Wise Co. Tenn. Jan. 22-26, 1900.

Bro. Young aff.: General church propositions. Presented arguments that were unanswerable by any man. He showed that the church of God originated in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after the resurrection, and the church had salvation in it, and those who obeyed the gospel on that day were added to the church. He introduced many passages of scripture. Bro. Young asked Williams if there was any grace in the Baptist church, and since he claimed that he was save by the grace of God, if he was saved before he got to the Baptist church. To which Williams replied, "Yes." Bro. Young then said: " Since you were saved by the grace of God before you entered into the Baptist Church, we conclude therefore that there is no grace in the Baptist Church." With this proposition Williams told him that he was right in saying that a man doesn't fall from grace when he falls from the Baptist Church, that he falls back into the grace he left when he went into the Baptist Church.

Mr. Williams is an able debater of Baptist doctrine, and well known in Texas as a champion debater. The only trouble is that he had to fight the truth with error. The Christian preachers that attended were W. P. Skaggs, J. T. Hunsaker and the writer, R. F. Whitaker.