Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. W. Young vs W. M. Aylor (Mormon)
February 6, 1908
Davidson, Oklahoma

(By A. W. Young)

This discussion held at Davidson, Okla., Jan. 14-19 by W. M. Aylor of Independence Mo., representing that branch of Mormonism known as the "Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," sometimes called "Josephites" and A. W. Young, church of Christ, Sunset, Texas.

The Mormons had 40 members and the brethren 2-3 congregations within 3 miles but none in town. The general church question was the beast we could them to do, but the issues were clearly drawn.

Mr. Aylor is one of the "Traveling High Counsel" of his church, and a man of education and ability. He made a poor defense of Joe Smith and the Book of Mormon. He did not willingly discuss either. We forced the fight along this line. We had 3 moderators but the debate was pleasant. Large crowds came and great interest shown.