Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. W. Young vs H. M. Cagle (Baptist)
July 1, 1909
Grayson County, Texas

(By Foy E. Wallace)

On account of the death of J. K. P. Williams, the Baptists were unable to begin the debate on time, and for that reason only two propositions were debated: The establishment of the church and the design of baptism. This was one of the most pleasant debates that I have ever attended. The speakers were exceedingly pleasant, and proper courtesy was given on both sides.

Mr. Cagle is a fine young debater. One day he will be the strongest in the Baptist ranks. Very gentlemanly he never once used the word "Campbellite" or any other unkind thrust during the whole debate. Bro. A. W. Young is one of the best reasoners that I have ever heard. Nothing is left undone when he is the speaker. His power and gentlemanly conduct will win for the truth every time.

Mr. Cagle has accepted a challenge from us to hold six debates in Grayson Co. Tex. Bro. Young has been selected to hold three of them. The second in the series will be in Collinsville. We thought we could do mission work through these debates.