Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


N. B. Hardemen vs Ben Bogard (Missionary Baptist)
January 6, 1910
Nashville, Tennessee

(By John R. Williams)

In many respects the best debate I ever attended. No bad feelings or strife - everybody seemed to enjoy it. Bogard, of Little Rock, is editor of the Arkansas Baptist and is considered one of the best debaters in Baptist ranks - an able exponent of Baptist doctrine. In this debate he conducted himself is a very gentlemanly manner. N. B. Hardeman is - pure, clean, modest, reserved, scholarly, logical, fearless and thoroughly prepared.

Bogard affirmed the N. T. Church was set up, organized, and established before the death of Christ. He boldly affirmed that this was the Missionary Baptist Church - Hardeman asked Bogard to produce just one Baptist scholar that locates the church anywhere but on the day of Pentecost and in Jerusalem. The debate closed and Bogard had not done it. Why? We leave it for some Baptist to answer.

The brethren were perfectly delighted with bro. Hardeman's work in every respect and I think I can say with perfect safety that the Baptist are satisfied with him, too. However, one of the leading Baptists was heard to say, "That Hardeman is too much for our man."

Time will reveal the results partially; eternity alone can reveal complete results. Our preaching brethren present were: A. O. Colley and F. O. Howell from Martin, Tenn, G. A. Dunn, Memphis, W. C. Hall and J. N. Brents from Fulton, Ky, W. Halliday Trice and T. B. Thompson from Henderson, L. D. Williams from Glass, Tenn, and John R. Williams. For three days there were three Baptist preachers present, but on the last day not one except Bogard.