Jon Gary Williams
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G. C. Brewer vs Judge Ben Lindsey
June 28, 1928
(By M. C. Kurfees) 

I have read the debate on "Companionate Marriage," and wish to congratulate Bro. Brewer in particular and the public in general on the excellent and timely defense which he made of the sacred institution of marriage as divinely ordained. The loose, immoral, and degrading position advocated by Judge Lindsey, which perverts the Bible and especially the teaching of Jesus, is a disgrace to him and repulsive to all right-thinking people; and Bro. Brewer not only deftly took the mask off of that abominable position by reading to the audience Judge Lindsey's own words as published to the world in one of his books, but he scathingly exposed the Judge's downright inconsistency and contradiction of himself in his teaching. This was a telling blow. 

Any teaching which strikes at the home, strikes at the cornerstone of civilization. Bro. Brewer did a fine piece of work, and I feel grateful to him for promptly seizing and utilizing the opportunity to expose this modern free lance in morals. Let this debate be circulated far and wide all over the country. The present crisis, brought about by the modern neglect of the home, calls for it, and its extended circulation will do good.

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