Jon Gary Williams
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C. D. Crouch vs E. H. Greenwell (Missionary Baptist)
November 16, 1922
Ashland City, Tennessee

(By F. B. Srygley)

I had the pleasure of hearing this debate at Ashland City, Tennessee. Both men live there. I moderated for Bro. Crouch who affirmed: baptism and apostasy. Bro. J. D. Moore, Editor of Baptist and Reflector, moderated for Greenwell. The best of feeling and not an unkind word spoken.

The two men differ in appearance and in mental attainments. Greenwell has a stronger body, but Crouch has the best- trained mind. Greenwell is careful, timid, and frequently shows fear in his own positions. Crouch is bold and fearless, with full faith and confidence in his positions. Crouch defines his terms well and goes at once to the issue and stands to it to the close. Crouch has a better education and a much better logician than Greenwell.

Such debates can well serve the cause of truth. Some of our brethren oppose debates. I was not surprised that the Methodist preacher oped. If it had not been for brave men who had convictions and were willing to maintain them in open, free discussion before te public it is doubtful whether New Testament teaching on the subject, action and design of baptism ever could have been upheld in Ashland City. While there, I could not fail to remember a few men of sainted memory who in the past had made sacrifices that the whole truth on the subject of Christianity might be taught there. Now some of their descendants are opposing religious discussion, and this in the face of the positive injunction of the word of God to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints."

Some oppose debates because they say Christians aught not to dispute, but I wonder if they ever read (Acts 15:6-7). Sometimes debate creates hard feelings. True, it sometimes does, but so does preaching the truth sometimes get up hard feelings. One of the best examples is Acts 7:54. Though the sermon led to the death of Stephen, it was nowhere condemned on that account.