Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. J. Cullum vs Nevil (Baptist)
December 15, 1927
Cairo near Alamo, Tennessee

(By E. R. Harper)

This debate was conducted at Cairo near Alamo, Tennessee, October 25-28 - debated apostasy and baptism.

Bro. Cullum made an able defense of the truth. At all times being honest and fair, answering every argument made on t he subject. Bro. Cullum handed Nevil 30 passages of scriptures which he did not notice. The baptism question was a landslide for the truth. Mr. Nevil followed the general plan of the Baptist - namely misrepresentations, dodging, failing to answer arguments, and yelling Campbellism. Bro. Curd moderated for Cullum; Nunnery moderated for Nevil.

The crowds were splendid and order almost perfect. Most of Nevil's preaching brethren left. Part of them came back the last night.

Brethren, we are fighting hard in Jackson for the truth, and we mean to keep it up. I am a student at Union University and I feel sure they do not have a man on their faculty that will undertake to defend their doctrine. I have tried them out and know. Dr. Penick, their old war horse has been taught his lesson, and he is through I am sure. A Baptist preacher said to me this morning: "You Campbellites would like to get Dr. Penick into another debate just to kill him, because his health is bad; but we do not intend for you to do it." No, it isn't his health; it is his doctrine that is sick, and Penick is a religious coward.