Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Marion F. Davis vs Earl Jensen (Freewill Baptist)
March 2, 1950
Selma, California

(By Voyd N. Ballard)

This should convince all Christians that public debates do good: Recently, Marion F. Davis, who preaches for church in Lemoore, California engaged Mr. Earl Jensen, Freewill Baptist, in a ten-night public discussion at Selma, California. Davis did an outstanding job of defending the truth. At the close of the debate he baptized 16 people and restored four to their first love. Many baptized were Baptists. One lady left the Methodist church, "Had there been no debate I still would be in error."

Subjects were: The origin of the church, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Instrumental Music, Feet Washing, the name of the Church.

Yes, it pays to defend the truth in public debate, and Marion F. Davis knows how to do the job.