Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Roy Deaver vs Lester Hathaway (Class and Women Teachers)
January 10, 1952
Munday, Texas

(By J. B. Barnett, Munday, Texas)

At Munday, Texas, November 26-29, 1951.

The building packed every night. Our brethren were strengthened by hearing this discussion. It is also hoped that we can be of help to the brethren who oppose Bible classes and women teachers. In Munday, we have not only the anti-class and women teachers but also a group who opposes the individual communion cups and tainted with premillialism. Three or four families compose each group. Hathaway's pet scriptures, I Corinthians 14:34-35, I Timothy 2:11-12, proved to be 'broken reeds' upon which he hoped to lean. Bro. Deaver showed that I Corinthians 14:34-35 cannot be applied to the church today, and I Timothy 2:11-12 must be understood as having prohibitions of a limited nature.

Hathaway admitted that Deaver's proposition was 'untouched and untouchable'. Bro. Deaver pressed Hathaway for a definition for an assembly. But Hathaway never defined it in any satisfactory manner. Deaver asked him what kind of an assembly that was that Paul called when the elders of the Church at Ephesus met him at Miletus (Acts 20:17-38), since that was larger than the home but smaller than the whole Church. The opposition only answered by saying that they 'went down to the seashore with him and fell on his neck and kissed him.' Hathaway was also asked what kind of meeting that was in the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark in Acts 12. No satisfactory answer was given.

The debate was carried on with the right kind of spirit being manifested. Roy Deaver is a young man in years, but far advanced in knowledge above many of his age.