Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. M. Dennis vs A. Turrentine (Methodist)
November 1, 1906
Eagle Mills, Arkansas

(By J. C. Pendergrass)

Held at Eagle Mills, Arkansas, we wanted four nights. They would not agree to have less than eight nights, but the debate closed on the sixth night at their request.

The proposition discussed were the action and subjects of scriptural baptism. Bro. Dennis affirmed for two nights that immersion is scriptural baptism and he defended his proposition to the satisfaction of his brethren. Turrentine affirmed for two nights that sprinkling and pouring are scriptural modes of baptism and was authorized by Christ in the great commission. He never referred one time to the commission but he went to Numbers 8:6-7 claiming that the law of baptism was given there. He also made much ado over the words "with water" in Matthew 3:11. Bro. Dennis fully met all of his sophistry and turned all of his proof texts against him.

Turrentine affirmed for one night that infant children are proper subjects of baptism into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bro. Dennis affirmed the last night that penitent believers only are scriptural subjects of baptism. This was Bro. Dennis' first debate, but he showed himself able to meet any Methodist. Turrentine is a good speaker; his brethren claim they have no better to put up. Bro. Dennis is a power when it comes to exposing false doctrines. He manifested the spirit of Christ throughout the debate. Turrentine also showed a good spirit.