Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. D. Dies vs Sloan (Baptist)
April 24, 1924
Macon County, Tennessee

(By S. T. Nix)

March 10-15 in Macon County, Tennessee.

Most of the week the earth was wrapped in a blanket of snow, but did not keep people away from the debate. Twenty-four hours of honest intense debate did good. One young man, a Baptist, was convinced the Baptist Church is an unscriptural institution. C. B. Massey was moderator for Elder Stone. S. T. Nix moderated for Dies. The moderators clashed over question of order. Elder Masey contended that it was not out of order for people to say "amen". Bro. Nix insisted that no demonstration on the part of the audience would be tolerated. A great roar of "amens" would certainly be a demonstration, so no temporary permits were granted along that line.

Elder Sloan is a big question mark. He asked 300 questions at one time and insisted that they be answered. He has a good, strong voice, and is to be praised for his course of omitting the word "Campbellite."

About 25 Baptist and Christian preachers present. The janitor kept building warm. At noon the good women fed the people with the choice food of Macon County, Tennessee. This genuine diner brought back sides together with laughs, smiles, thanks, and songs. The quartet sang and helped eliminate bitterness. At the hospitable home of Bro. Leander Brey, Bro. Dies, Nix were delighted with the social call of Elders Massey and Sloan. Hones, earnest, truth- seeking people will be better friends after a fair investigation of the Holy Scriptures.

Many denominations have decided against public discussions, and the Catholics have gone to the extreme of forbidding their members to even converse with Protestants on religious topics. Why take such a position against fair, honorable discussion?

Visitors were shown much kindness and will long remember the hospitality shown.