Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


B. L. Douthitt vs T. T. Martin (Missionary Baptist)
February 7, 1935
Covington-Ludlow, Kentucky

(By E. G. Creacy)

January 21-15.

Mr. Martin is a 72 year old war horse for the Baptists, having engaged in a number of debates, including a two-month debate with Charles Smith, President of American Association of Atheism, and the Fort
Worth "Free Lance", J. Frank Norris. He is also the proud author of 15 books.

Bro. Douthitt affirmed the design of baptism and Martin affirmed apostasy. Bro. Douthitt did a complete piece of work, and the brethren were well pleased; but judging by their actions, the Baptists were not so well pleased with the work done by their representative. It was my privilege to act as moderator for Bro. Douthitt. He is an able defender of the faith, and this debate will do the cause of truth in Covington and Ludlow much good.