Jon Gary Williams
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C. B. Douthitt vs R. L. Riley (Missionary Baptist)
May 7, 1925
New Concord, near Murray, Kentucky

(By Coleman Overby)

Debate at New Concord, near Murray, Kentucky, March 31 - May 3.

Riley affirmed origin of Baptist Church. He used Zechariah 6:12-13; John 17:3-4, Luke 16:16. Bro. Douthitt pressed him to find one mention in the Bible of Baptist Churches and to give one historian that mentions Missionary Baptist before the 17th Century, or to find one peculiar truth taught by Baptists, and to give the time and place of the origin of the church.

Second day Douthitt affirmed the Church of Christ is scriptural in origin. His affirmation showed the Church to be scriptural in promise, in prophecy, and in fulfillment. He used Daniel 7:13-14; Isaiah 2:2-3; 28:14-17; Acts 2; Ephesians 1:19-22; 4:9-11.

Third day Riley affirmed sinners saved by faith without further acts of obedience. He used Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:15-16-18, John 5:24; Titus 3:5. Bro. Douthitt readily took from his proof texts showing that even Mr. Riley was in doubt on the matter, as he would not take a stand on John 12:42-43; John 8:30-31; Acts 26:26; Acts 11:21. He also showed that confession came after faith and that men are saved by confession. Mr. Riley had both his scriptural references and illustrations taken from him.

The house was packed, order excellent, and debate on high plane. This was Bro. C.B. Douthitt's first debate. His arguments were clear, convincing, and persuasive. He is deliberate and earnest in handling the word of truth. Brethren from five churches asked for another debate. Br. Douthitt heartily and anxiously accepted, but Riley refused stubbornly. The challenge was broadened to any Baptist, but with no response. Straws indicate which way the wind blows. Coleman Overby moderated for C. B. Douthitt; W. O. Hargrove moderated for Riley.

Preachers there: T. G. Curd, B. L. Douthitt, Stanley Jones, David Thompson, Bro. Newt Moody, Gus Nichols, Wilfred Heflin, R. L. Hart, Byron Henry, Alvin Reavis and Jewel Cox.