Jon Gary Williams
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Cecil B. Douthitt vs Hickam (Baptist)
April 5, 1928
Mount Tabor Mississippi Baptist Church

(By C. B. Douthitt)

The debate began at Mount Tabor Mississippi Baptist Church, four miles north of Lakeland, Florida, March 18, and lasted for one session only.

We had arranged to discuss four propositions giving two hours to each proposition. At the close of the first session, Mr. Hickam admitted the he could not prove "man is saved by faith without further acts of obedience." On Monday night, after the crowd had gathered for the discussion of the second proposition, Mr. Hickam came to me and said: "Bro. Douthitt, I prayed to God last night to give me opportunity to learn His will, and I promised Him I would obey it. I have studied carefully what the Bible says regarding the proposition you are to affirm tonight. I do not wish to deny it." He then announced that I would preach and begged the Baptists to hear me patiently.

For three nights I preached in the Baptist meeting house. In these sermons I pointed out the differences between the Baptist Church and the New Testament Church. Several of the Baptists took notes and seemed to be interested. The Baptist deacons bitterly opposed my preaching in their meetinghouse. Mr. Hickam stood by me through it all. But we had to close the meeting on Wednesday night because of their opposition.

Mr. Hickam and his wife are very eager to learn and are studying the Bible in earnest. They came to my home yesterday, and we studied together for three hours. They promised to come back. We are hoping that they will soon obey the gospel and that Mr. Hickam will then preach it in its fullness. He no longer believes that the Missionary Baptist Church is scriptural and has so stated.

I learned that Mr. Hickam called on two leading Baptist preachers of Lakeland for answers to the questions I asked him at the beginning of the debate. They did not answer the questions to his satisfaction, nor could they be persuaded to take his place in the discussion.