Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources

Article 49 - Attributes of Christian Living

 Attributes of Christian Living

Jon Gary Williams


A. What is God to those who trust him?  Ps. 115:11 ________________________________

B. To what extent should we trust God?  Prov. 3:5-7 _________________________________

C. To whom does God promise security?   Ps. 37:3-5 _________________________________

D. How did Job accept the misfortunes that came to him?  Job 1:21,22 __________________

E. Wholehearted trust in God is a safeguard against what?  Matt. 6:25, 31-34 _____________

F. Why should we trust in God with implicit faith?  Rom. 8:28,32,35 ____________________


We should be grateful to God for _______________ blessings.  Jam. 1:17

B. We should be grateful to God for _______________ blessings.  Eph. 1:3-7

C. When and for what should we be thankful?  Eph.5:20   ____________________________

A. Why is man incapable of deciding what should be put first in his life?  Jer. 10:23 ________


B. What is the difference in man's standard of values and God's standard?  Is. 55:8,9 _______


C. What should be put first?  Matt. 6:33 ________________ Matt. 5:24 __________________

Matt. 7:5 _____________________________ II Cor. 8:5 ___________________________


A. Kindness is listed as a what?  Gal. 5:22  _________________________________________

B. Christians are to do what?  Col. 3:12 ___________________________________________

C. Kindness is listed as a part of what?  II Pet. 1:7 ___________________________________

D. Christians are to be ________ to ______   _______________.  Eph. 4:32

E. Kindness is descriptive of what attribute?  I Cor.13:4 ______________________________

F. Kindness with love causes us to ____________   _____   ____________.  Rom. 12:10


A. One reason Christians should be truthful.  Col. 3:9,10  _____________________________

B. What did Solomon say about truth?  Prov. 3:3 ____________________________________

C. Why is truthfulness so important to the one who is speaking?  Matt. 12:37 _____________


D. Where does corrupt speaking (including lying) come from?  Matt. 12:34 _______________

E. Because of its very nature truth is combined with ___________.  Eph. 4:15

F. By speaking truth, one has done what to lying?  Eph. 4:25 __________________________

G. The list of bad things in which we find "a lying tongue" is called what?  Prov. 6:16-19  


H. What do some do with truth?  Rom. 1:25 _______________________________________

I. __________ the truth and ________ it not.  Prov. 23:23

J. What does a righteous man hate?  Prov. 13:5 _____________________________________

K. An attribute of one who practices lying.  Prov. 26:28 ______________________________

L. Who lost their lives because of lying?  Acts 5:1-10 ________________________________

M. This is impossible for one who lives a life of lying.  Rev. 21:27; 22:15 ___________



What promise did Jesus make to the pure in heart?  Matt. 5:8 ________________________

B. What charge did Paul give Timothy?  I Tim. 5:22 ________________________________

C. "Pure and undefiled religion" is identified as what?  Jam. 1:27 ______________________


D. What does the Bible say of the "purity" of some?  Prov. 30:12 _______________________

E. Where does purity of life begin?  Matt. 5:21,22,27,28 ______________________________

F. Why should the heart be kept with all diligence?  Prov. 4:23 _______________________

G. What is the end of the  "defiler" ("unclean)?  Rev. 21:27 ___________________________

H. Paul served God with a  ________   ________________.  II Tim. 1:3

A.    T  F - It is alright to deceive others if they do not know what we are dong.  Rom. 12:17

B.    T  F - Robbery, embezzlement and forgery are the only forms of dishonesty.

C.    T  F - It is honest to keep what we find without an effort to discover the owner.  Lev. 6:3

D.    T  F - It is dishonest to knowingly avoid paying taxes.  Rom. 13:5-7  

E.    T  F - It is honest to borrow - with no intention of repaying.  Ps. 37:21

F.    T  F - It is dishonest to short-change a buyer who doesn't check for himself.  Prov. 11:1

G.    T  F - It is honest for an employer to pay an unjust wage.  Jam. 5:4

H.    T  F - It is dishonest for an employee to do only a minimal work.  Col. 3:22

I.    T  F - "Thieves" and "extortioners" will not enter heaven.  I Cor. 6:10

J.    T  F - Obtaining material possessions is the most important thing in life.  Matt. 16:26

K.    T F - One who is dishonest in "smaller" things will likely be honest in "larger" things.                          Lk. 16:10

L.    T  F - One's honesty should be evident to others.  II Cor. 8:21


A. Self-denial is essential for being this.  Lk. 14:26,27,33 ____________________________

B. To whom do we really belong?  I Cor. 6:19,20 __________________________________

C. Why is it impossible to serve Christ without denying self?  Matt. 6:24 ________________


D. What does it mean to have "crucified the flesh"?  Gal. 5:24 ________________________

E. By what should we be constrained to practice self-denial?  II Cor. 5:14,15 _____________

F. How did Paul describe his own relationship with Christ?  Gal. 2:20 __________________


G. Practicing self-denial involves denying this.  Tit. 2:12 _____________________________

H. What should be the Christian's attitude toward things that are right in themselves, but 
              which may be unwise because of surrounding circumstances?  I Cor. 6:12;  8:11-13


I. Jesus associated self-denial with what?  Matt. 16:24 _______________________________

J. In this brief story how did Jesus illustrate the practice of self-denial?  Mk. 12:41-44 ______


K. Self-denial can be practiced if our  _____   _______  has been ____________.  Rom. 6:6

L. How did these early Christians demonstrate self-denial?  Acts 2:44,45;  4:34,35 _________


M. Regarding worldly things what are Christians to do?  Col. 3:5,6  _____________________


A. Ruling one's spirit is compared to what?  Prov. 16:32 ______________________________

B. Regarding his body Paul said he did this?  I Cor. 9:27 ______________________________

C. We are to bring into _____________ even our every ____________.  II Cor. 10:5

D. Self-control of the __________ is compared to what three things?  Jam. 3:3-6 __________


E. In self-control we are to __________ and not __________.  I Thess. 5:6-8

F. God's servants must not ____________.  II Tim. 2:24

G. While we can have righteous anger, we cannot allow it to lead to _______.  Eph. 4:26


A. Gentleness is a quality (characteristic) of what?  Jam. 3:17 _______________

B. Gentleness is called a  _________ of the ___________.  Gal. 5:22

C. Paul besought others by the ___________ and ____________ of _________.  II Cor. 10:1

D. The real servant of God must "be gentle unto ______   __________.  II Tim. 2:24

E. How does Paul describe his gentleness among the Thessalonians?  I Thess. 2:7 __________


F. David said that God's gentleness enabled him to be __________.  II Sam. 22:36   Ps. 18:35

G. "Put them in speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but __________, showing
all ___________ unto all men."  Tit. 3:1,2


A. What is one way Jesus showed his humility? Phil. 2:8 _____________________________

B. What feature of humility is shown in Proverbs 27:2? ______________________________

C. Who shall be greatest in God's kingdom?  Matt. 18:4 ______________________________

D. What is the condition of the heart of the wicked person?  Ps. 10:4 ____________________

E. Paul said he served the Lord with "all  ______________  of  __________."  Acts 20:19

F. We are to be  "__________ with ____________"  because  "God _______________ the        
proud."   I Pet. 5:5

G. Humility will be rewarded with ______________.  I Pet. 5:6   (Lk. 14:11)

H. Those who are humble, even in adversity, will be ___________   _____.  Jam. 4:10

I. What goes before destruction of the heart? _________________ What goes before honor? 

_______________  Prov. 18:12   (see  Prov. 15:33)

J. The "pride of life" is not of the _____________, but is of the ___________.  I Jn. 2:16   
K. "And whosoever shall be ________ among you, let him be your __________."  Matt. 20:27

L.What four things did Paul associate with the characteristic of humility.  Eph. 4:2 ________



A. To what extent should one love his neighbor?   Matt. 22:39__________________________

B. Loving others is evidence of what?  I Jn. 4:7 _____________________________________

C. Failure to love others is evidence that a person " ________   ____   ____."  I Jn. 4:8

D. Our love should reach far enough to include whom?  Matt. 5:44 ______________________

E. Our love can be demonstrated to others by sharing what?  I Jn. 3:17 __________________


F. We are to love not only in _________, but also in __________ and __________.  I Jn. 3:18

G. Love is the "bond" of what?  Col. 3:14 _________________________________________

H. What about one who goes through the motions of doing good, but lacks in love? I Cor. 13:3


I. We are to "love the ______________."  I Pet. 2:17   What does this mean to you? ______



A. Matt. 18:21,22    What was the lesson Jesus was teaching? _____________________

B. Matt. 18:23-35   Who does the "King" represent? ____________ Who does the "servant" 

represent? _____________ Who does the "fellow servant" represent? ________________

C. God's forgiveness is contingent on what?  Matt. 6:14,15 ___________________________

D. As trespassing calls for __________, so repentance calls for ________________.  Lk. 17:3

E. How did this man demonstrate a great willingness to forgive? Acts 7:59,60 ____________


F. As Christians we are to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and _____________   ____

_____________.  Eph. 4:32

G. Quarrels should be overcome by ______________ one another and  ______________ one 

_________________.  Col. 3:13

H. To show no mercy means one will have _____________ without __________.  Jam. 2:13

I. Name two people in the Bible who showed forgiveness and tell what they did. _________



A. Christian women are to " ___________ themselves in ____________ apparel."  I Tim. 2:9

B. In the above text what do "shamefacedness" and "sobriety" mean? __________________


C. Why did this king become angry with his wife?  Esther 1:10-12 _____________________


D. What was there about the physical appearance of this man that indicated a change had taken
place?  Lk. 8:26-35 _________________________________________________________

E. When Samuel sought Saul to be king over Israel what was Saul's attitude toward himself?

I Sam. 9:21 _______________________________________________________________

F. Paul thought of himself as "_________  of the  _____________" and "not ________ to be`

___________ an ______________."  I Cor. 15:9

G. Paul said he was what among all saints.  Eph. 3:8 _________________________________

H. What remark by Lydia showed she had a modest demeanor?  Acts 16:15 _____________


A. What word is sometimes used to represent the Christian's influence for good?  Eph. 5:8;

Phil. 2:15; I Thess. 5:5 _____________________________________________________

B. What did Jesus tell his disciples not to do?  Matt. 5:15 _____________________________

C. What other word is used to represent our influence? Matt. 5:13 ______________________

D. Yet another word for influence is _____________.  Lk. 12:1

E. "For what knowest thou, O _______, whether thou shalt _________ thy __________?  or 
how tho, O _______, whether thou shalt _______ thy ________?"  I Cor. 7:16

F. Non-Christian partners who may not at first listen to God's word, may be won by what?

I Pet. 3:1,2  _______________________________________________________________

G. Even Christians who were ___________ were to have influence.  I Tim. 6:1

H. Whose good example continues to speak, even though he is dead?  Heb. 11:4 ___________

I. Christians are to always be ready to do what?  I Pet. 3:15 ___________________________


J. What about us should show forth to the world?  I Pet. 3:4 ___________________________

K. Titus was to show himself  "a _________ of ________   ___________."  Tit. 2:7

L. How do you try to influence others?


A. How did Jesus illustrate the need for being a good citizen?  Matt. 22:21 ________________


B. What should be the Christian's attitude toward civil authorities?  Rom. 13:1(a) __________

___________________ Why?  13:1(b) _________________________________________

C. What is there about civil authority that makes it imperative that we not resist it?  Rom. 13:2


D. What is the purpose of civil authority?  Rom. 13:4 ________________________________


E. Give another reason being obedient to civil authority.  Rom. 13:5 ____________________

F. What problem did the apostles face and how did they respond? Acts 5:27-29 __________

G. We are to submit to ______   ___________ of man.  I Pet. 2:13  Why? ________________

H. Peter said they were  to respect the  ________ and ___________ and those ______   ____  
________.  I Pet. 2:13,14

I. Peter also added that Christians are to __________   ____  _______.  I Pet. 2:17


A. What was the first work given to man by God?  Gen. 2:15 __________________________

B. What were the conditions of man's work following his sin and fall?  Gen. 3:19 __________


C. One who labors for another (whether servant or free man) should not perform work with
______________, rather, it should be done from the _________.  Eph. 6:6

D. What was the reason for some not eating?  II Thess. 3:10-11 ________________________

Those unwilling to work were commanded to __________ and to eat their ______ bread.

II Thess. 3:12

E. Why will the sluggard beg?  Prov. 20:4 _________________________________________

F. When a Christian employs others to work, to whom is he responsible for his treatment of
them?  Eph. 6:9 ____________________________________________________________

G. Converted thieves were no longer to _________ but to __________.  Eph. 4:28

H. Christians are commanded to _______ with their ________.  I Thess. 4:11


A. In this context how is generosity shown to be a characteristic of Christians? Acts 4:34,35 


B. How did this man demonstrate a liberal attitude toward sharing?  Acts 4:36,37 __________


C.These people were stingy and did what to cover up their stinginess.  Acts 5:1-5 _________


D.How would you describe the actions of this Christian lady.  Acts 9:36-39 ______________


E.The Macedonians gave out of their " _______   ___________" and even "_______ their                  
__________."  II Cor. 8:1-3

F. He that has mercy on the poor is _________.  Prov. 14:21   Why is this true? ___________


G. "A ________   ______ showeth ___________ and ___________."  Ps. 112:5

H. As Christians we "ought to ___________ the ________" all the while remembering what    words of Jesus?  Acts 20:35

I. Read Luke 21:1-4    What was the difference between the giving of the rich men and the
giving of the poor widow? __________________________________________________


A. Why was Israel reminded not to vex or oppress a stranger?  Ex. 22:21;  23:9 ___________


B. Among other things, Paul told the Christians at Rome to be " _________________  to

_____________________"   Rom. 12:13

C. Elders are to be " __________ of ____________."  Tit. 1:7,8

D. What was the surprise of some early Christians when showing hospitality to strangers?  
Heb. 13:2 _______________________________________________________________

E. What does "without grudging" mean?  I Pet. 4:9 _________________________________
F. Read III John 5-8.  In this text showing hospitality is related to what? ________________

G. Who often showed hospitality to Jesus?  Lk. 10:39; Jn. 12:1,2 ______________________

H. Name some Biblical people who showed hospitality.  Acts 10:6 _____________________
Acts 16:15 __________________________ Acts 28:7 ____________________________

II Tim. 1:16 ______________________

I. Can you name some ways in which you can practice hospitality as a child of God?                


A. How is the "happiness" of the wicked limited?  Lk. 16:25  (cf.  Lk. 12:20) _____________

B. "________ unto you that are _________!  for ye shall ____________.    _______ unto you

that ________ now!  for ye shall ________ and _______."   Lk. 6:25

C. " __________ art thou _____   ___________:  who is like unto thee, O people _________ 
by the Lord..."   Deut. 33:29a

D. To be _____________ by the Lord should cause one to be _________.   Job 5:17

E. What two things did Solomon associate with happiness?  Prov. 3:13   ________________


F. Another means of happiness is to do what?  Prov. 14:21 ____________________________

G. What about one whose conscience condemns him in that which he allows himself to

engage? Rom. 14:22 _____________________________________________________

H. Who are counted happy?  Jam. 5:11 ____________________________________________

I. Any Christian should be happy if he is called on to do this.  I Pet.3:14   (cf.  I Pet.4:14)



A. We are to try to live _____________ with _____   _______.  Rom. 12:18   (cf.  Heb. 12:14)

B. Peace is associated with what other attribute?  Rom. 14:19 _________________________

C. What did Paul admonish the Ephesian church to endeavor to do? Eph. 4:3 (cf. I Thess. 5:13)


D. Read James 3:17,18.  True, genuine peace comes from ___________ from __________.

E. People can have __________ with God through their __________.  Rom. 5:1

F. "And let the _________ of God _______ in your _________;  to the which ye are called in 

one body; and be ye ____________."  Col. 3:15

G. That part of the Christian's armor associated with peace?  Eph. 6:15 __________________


H. How great is the peace of God?  Phil. 4:7 ________________________________________

I. How many of the epistles include "peace" in their beginning? _______________________


A. "___________  they _______ unto the Lord, and thy __________ shall be established."             Prov. 16:3

B. As Christians we are to "___________ ourselves from all _____________ of the flesh and

and spirit, ____________ holiness in the ________ of God."  II Cor. 7:1

C. How is commitment illustrated in the two short parables of Matthew 13:44-46? _________


D. True Commitment will lead one to yield his members as instruments of ______________

and not ___________________.  Rom. 6:13

E. Our bodies are to be "_________   _____________" unto God.  God considers this to be
"acceptable" and also our " ___________   __________."  Rom. 12:1

F. What three things did Paul mention that are a part of commitment?  I Cor. 15:58 ________


G. Christians should never be what?  Gal. 6:9 ________________________ Why? ________

H. "Be ye _____________ of me, even as I also am of ___________.  I Cor. 11:1

I. Read I Timothy 4:10.  Paul said he did what two things? ___________ & _____________
Why? __________________________________________________________________

J. To what extent were the Christians as Smyrna told to be faithful?Rev. 2:10 __________


K. Read Hebrews 11:33-38.  How did many Old Testament saints show their commitment to 

God?  "stopped the mouths of _______,"  "quenched the violence of _______,"  "waxed  

valiant in _______,"  "were _________,"   "had trial of cruel ________ and __________."  

"were ________,"   "were ______   __________,"   "were _________..... slain with the         

________,"   "wandered in _________ .... __________ .... _______ .... _______ ...."

L. The Macedonians "gave _______   _____   ______ to the Lord."  II Cor. 8:5

M. "No man, having put his hand to the _______, and ________   ______, is _______ for the 
kingdom of heaven."  Lk. 9:62


A. What is personal evangelism? _______________________________________________

B. How valuable is the soul of man? Matt. 16:26 ___________________________________

C. What does Psalm 22:26 tell us about man's soul? ________________________________

D. How terrible is it to be lost?  II Thess. 1:7-9 ______________________________________

__________________   Matt. 25:30 ___________________________________________
_______________________________  Matt. 25:41 ________   Rev. 14:11 ____________

E. "He that __________   _______ is _______."  Prov. 11:30

F. What did Jesus tell his followers to do?  Matt. 28:19,20;  Mark 16:15,16 _______________

G. In what two ways was Christ's command to "teach" carried out by early Christians?  Acts 

5:42; 20:20    Think!  ___________________    and   ___________________

H. Were the following people converted privately or publicly?  Acts 9:10-18 _____________

Acts 16:13-15 ________________  Acts 16:27-34 ________________

I. Read II Corinthians 5:19,20   What has been committed to Christians? ________________

_______________ What does "ambassadors" mean? ______________________________

J. Should all Christians be striving to reach the lost? ________ Why are not more Christians
engaged in the work of personal evangelism? _________________

K. What does it mean to be "soul conscious"? ______________________________________


A. Read Colossians 3:12,13   As Christians we are to put on the following: _______________

_____________,   __________________,   ____________,   ________________.  And, we 

are to ______________ and ____________ one another.

B. We are to be _____________ to _____   ________.  I Thess. 5:14

C. We are to be patient even if experiencing ________________.  Rom. 12:12

D. What works (or produces) patience?  Rom. 5:3  __________________________________

E. What will we receive if we demonstrate patience?  Heb. 10:36 _______________________

F. What is the lesson of Psalm 37:7? _____________________________________________

G. "It is good that a man should both _______ and __________   _______ for the salvation of the Lord."  Lam. 3:26

H. What is the ultimate measure of patience (long suffering)?  I Cor. 13:4 ________________

I. "Knowing this, that the __________ of your _________ worketh patience."  Jam. 1:3

J. List the "Christian graces."  II Peter 1:5,6 ______________________________________


K. How did the Ephesian brethren demonstrate their patience?  Rev. 2:1,2 ________________


L. Paul gloried over the Thessalonians' ______________ and _______.  II Thess. 1:4

M. What can we do with the help of patience?  Heb.12:1 _____________________________

N. "And the servant of the Lord must not ________; but be _________ unto all men, apt to 

_________,  __________,  in _________ instructing those who oppose...."  II Tim. 2:24,25

O. "Be _________ therefore, brethren, unto the __________ of the ________."  Jam. 5:7a

P. Who serve as examples of suffering affliction and patience?  Jam. 5:10 ________________


A. Who is our greatest example of good works?  Jn. 10:32 ________________

B. Jesus "went about ________   ________."  Acts 10:38

C. What will God not forget?  Heb. 6:10a ________________________________________

D. "_______ without _______ is _______."  Jam. 2:20

E. What is the result of being a doer of God's work?  Jam. 1:25 _______________________

F. One design of good works is what?  Matt. 5:16 __________________________________

G. What kind of works will be brought into judgment? Eccl. 12:14 ______________________

H. What furnishes the Christian to every good work?  II Tim. 3:16,17 ___________________

I. "That ye might ________   _________ of the Lord unto all __________, being fruitful in 

_______   _______   ________, and increasing in the ____________ of God."  Col. 1:10

J. What is one way we can glorify God?  Jn. 15:8 __________________________________

K. Read Matthew 7:21-23.  What is the lesson here? ________________________________


L. "For we are his ______________, created in Christ Jesus unto _______   _______, which

God hath before ordained that we should ________   ____   _______."  Eph. 2:10


A. "See then that ye walk _______________, not as ________, but as _______."  Eph. 5:15

B. "....__________ thereunto with all ________________ and _____________ for all saints.         Eph. 6:18

C. The church at Sardis had (perfect, imperfect) works.  They were told to be ____________

and ____________ the things that remain.  Rev. 3:2

D. The Israelites were told to take heed so they would not do what? Deut. 11:16 ___________


E. "I will take heed to my ________, that I sin not with my __________:  I will keep my          
_________ with a bridle...."  Ps. 39:1

F. Read Matthew 25:13.   For what are we to "watch" since we do not know when Jesus will        
return?  (see vv.1-12)  ______________________________________________________

G. What great charge is given to elders?  Acts 20:28 ________________________________

H. Summarize Romans 11:17-21  _______________________________________________

I. Timothy was told to " __________ thou in _____   _________."  II Tim. 4:5

J. "_______ to ___________, that we ______   ______ those things which we have wrought, 

but that we _________ a full ___________."  II John 8

K. What three things are required of Christians?  I Cor. 16:13 _________________________


L. In Galatians 6:1 what two things are required of Christians? ________________________


M. "Therefore, let us not _________ as do others; but let us __________ and be _________."
I Thess. 5:6

N. Why is it important to give earnest heed to what we learn?  Heb. 2:1 _________________

O. Since the devil seeks to "devour" us, we are to do what?  I Pet. 5:8 ___________________



A. "The __________   ______ when no man pursueth: but the _____________ are ________ 
as a __________."  Prov.28:1

B. What two words illustrate the point of courage?   Eph. 6:10 ___________    ___________

C. How can Christians be strong and powerful?  Eph. 6:11-17   ________________________


D. How did Paul express the courage that motivate him?  Phil. 4:13 ____________________
E. Why was this charge given? _________________________________________________

F. "Watch ye, __________    ________ in the faith; _______ you like men, be __________."
I Cor. 16:13

G. In the face of great adversity, how did Daniel demonstrate his courage?  Dan. 6:10 ______


H. How did the following show their courage?
    1.  Abraham - Heb. 11:8, 17-19 _______________________________________________
    2.  Moses - Heb. 11:24-26 ___________________________________________________
    3.  Stephen - Acts 7:51-60 __________________________________________________

I. Paul said that he "took ____________. Acts 28:15   Why?  Because he was a __________  

(Acts 27:1) and because he was being taken to ________ (Acts 28:14).  

J. How did the apostles manifest courage?
   1. Acts 4:19, 20 ___________________________________________________________

   2. Acts 5:29 ______________________________________________________________

K. "Let us also go that we may _____ with him."  Jn. 11:16   Who said this and why is it  
somewhat surprising?  _____________________________________________________

L. "And in __________   _____________ by your _____________."  Phil. 1:28a

M. Christians are not to be given over to what?II Tim. 1:7 ____________________  But, we

are to be given to what? _____________________________________________________


A. "And herein do I ___________ myself, to have _________  a  _______________ void of 

offense toward _______ and toward _______."  Acts 24:16

B. To what did Paul's conscience bear witness?  Rom. 9:1 ____________________________

C. What three things are should be a part of the Christian's character?  I Tim. 1:5,6 _________


From these things some had "__________   ________."

D. The blood of Jesus Christ purges man's conscience from  ________   ________.  Heb. 9:14 

And what is the ultimate purpose of this? _______________________________________

E. From Hebrews 13:18 what is associated with a good conscience? ____________________

F. Regarding the conscience, what did Peter say is acceptable to God?  I Pet. 2:19 _________
