Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


R. W. Arrington vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
January 17, 1907
Barden, Arkansas
(By R. S. Lyon, Eagle Mills, Arkansas)
Held six miles south of Bearden, Arkansas. Discussed general church question. Bro. Arrington is a descendant of that grand old man of God, Andrew P. Davis of pioneer fame. To say Bro. Arrington did his work well is to put it mildly.
Bogard took these absurd positions:
(1) There never was anything, not even an Odd Fellow's lodge that began at Jerusalem.
(2) Gal. 3:27 was not baptism but one was just plunged into Christ by faith.
(3) John 3:5 has no reference to baptism. When pressed he said it did not make any difference what it meant, it did not mean baptism.
(4) That Noah was by the ark and there was no kind of baptism in it.
(5) He said we repudiated the four gospels. He spent a great deal of his time in ugly anecdotes.
P.S. I will also engage in debate elder Carter of the Baptist church in the near future, the time and place yet to be determined. (R.S. Lyon)

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