Jon Gary Williams
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A. B. Barrett vs J. C. Mason
August 1, 1907
Mt. Vernon, Texas
(By George A. Klingman, Abilene, Texas)

At Mt. Vernon, Texas, July 9-11.

Mason affirmed: "The Texas Christian Missionary Society Convention, with its executive committee, is working in harmony with the New Testament." Mason made same argument he made with Bro. L. C. White at Pearl and Bryon debate.

Bro. Barrett in reply to Acts 6:1-6 gave us a precedent for appointing men in a local congregation to do some work in that local congregation; that the multitude of disciples was not a "Convention" composed of delegates of different local congregations.

Bro. Barrett made a tremendous rebuttal to Mason. "One recorded instance of a New Testament church doing something, by the direction of the Holy Spirit as duty, creates a universal obligation and furnishes us a precedent for doing the same thing." Acts 11:22-26 is one recorded instance of a New Testament church, by the direction of the Holy Spirit, doing missionary work. Therefore Acts 11:22-26 creates a universal obligation and furnishes us a precedent for doing missionary work.

The church at Mt. Vernon was much encouraged by A. B. Barrett's able defense of truth and exposing error. The elders publicly expressed to Bro. Barrett their appreciation of the masterly and scriptural defense of the truth and of the kind, Christian spirit manifested in the debate.

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