Jon Gary Williams
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Hardy E. Baugh (Wilson, Oklahoma) vs W. H. Clark (Seventh-Day Adventist)
June 14, 1928
Cotton County Oklahoma

(By C. L. Taylor)

Held at Valley View Schoolhouse, Cotton County Oklahoma near Randlett.

Clark is a strong, representative man of Adventist faith and a perfect gentleman. Hardy Baugh is a real debater. In my judgment this was the greatest victory for the Church of Christ against Adventism. Clark was completely routed and defeated on every proposition. The truth was made to stand so far above Adventism that all could see the difference. In this ten day debate the propositions were: The two laws, the Lord's day, the Sabbath, Establishment of Kingdom, Nature of Man, Punishment of Wicked.

On Daniel 2:44, Bro. Baugh made the strongest argument I have ever heard. He proved conclusively from a historical standpoint, as well as from a Biblical standpoint, that the kingdom of Daniel 2:44 was established on Pentecost. On the Sabbath question, Baugh showed that Clark himself did not obey the Sabbath law. On the Nature of Man and the Punishment of the Wicked, Clark fell the hardest. Bro. Baugh is original in many of his arguments, but they are strong and convincing. Though Elder Clark is a man of no mean ability at least forty of Bro. Baugh's arguments remained untouched.

The debate was well attended. People came from many towns in Texas and Oklahoma. Preachers: Willis Creager, J. H. Baugh, J. C. Osterlok, Charles Stetson. A number of Adventist preachers were present and some denominational preachers. - Best of feeling prevailed.

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