Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Beasley vs Isaac Debusk (Missionary Baptist)
February 20, 1908

(By M. M. Beard)

Held at Mt. Zion, Missionary Baptist meeting house, February 3.

Beasley affirmed: general church proposition. Bro. Beasley took a noble stand in presenting the truth. On the first day Debusk did not try to answer. He was pressed to answer questions. He said he would quit first. He did quit. His moderator, John Forrest, took his place. The next day Forrest failed to come. H. O. Daugherty, the next Baptist preacher took his place. The debate continued four days. Daugherty affirmed the general church proposition the last two days. Bro. Beasley met every argument and completely routed him. Daugherty said in his last speech that he was willing to leave it to the congregation as to which one had won the victory. Bro. Beasley arose and said: "All who believe what I have said to be the truth and know that the Baptist preachers have received a lashing please stand up." Most of the congregation stood up. Daugherty made three propositions before he got anyone to stand up. The last proposition was: "If there are any here that believe that I have told the truth, let them stand up." Six stood up. Among them were his two brothers. Another man said that what scripture Daugherty read was truth, therefore he stood up. I am sure the debate will do good.

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