Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. T. Beasley vs J. B. Massey (Missionary Baptist)
October 5, 1911

(By W. T. Beasley)

On November 6, 1911 I am to begin a seven-days debate with J. B. Massey (Missionary Baptist) of Pleasant Shade, Tennessee. All are cordially invited to attend this debate. All who may come by rail will come to Carthage; and if you will notify Bro. B. F. Organ, of Pleasant Shade, he will arrange for your transportation to that place.

Mr. Massey affirms: "The scriptures teach that the repenting sinner is commanded to pray for the remission of sins and expect to receive it in answer to prayer before water baptism."

Bro. Beasley affirms: "The scriptures teach that the repenting sinner is not commanded to pray for the remission of sins, but to expect it in water baptism."

Mr. Massey affirms: "The Church of which I, J. B. Massey, am a member was set up, or established, during Christ's earthly ministry."

Bro. Beasley affirms: "The Church of which I, W. T. Beasley, am a member was set up, or established, on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ."

"Come and let us reason together."

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