Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. T. Beasley vs W. M. Harrison (Methodist)
October 14, 1915

(By Morris M. Beard)

Held at Craigfont September 21-24.

Bro. Beasley affirmed: "The Church of Christ of which I am a member, is scriptural in origin, faith, doctrine, name and practice." Bro. Beasley made an hour's speech introducing 50 passages of scriptures proving the origin of church and law of instruction. Mr. Harrison noticed only two passages. He referred to Genesis 17:7 and said the church was set up then and would last for a thousand generations. He called attention to Matthew 1 and showed there had been only 42 generations past then, and said there would be no need of another church until these generations passed. But Harrison soon got dissatisfied, referred to Matthew 25:34, and said the church was set up before the foundation of the world before Christ was, and threw down his Abrahamic church. Later he said 'church' meant a congregation of people called out, and did away with this one also. Beasley had nothing to do but to expose his contradictions and preach the gospel, for Harrison would pay but very little attention to anything he said.

In debate with Morris vs. Morris Beard this past July, Harrison, when pressed to tell what element the apostles were to use in baptizing, seeing Christ told them to baptize in name of the Holy Ghost, and not with the Holy Ghost, said he did not know; it might be snakes. Beasley told it the second morning of the debate. He denied it when we proved it on him. He quit the debate and was mad. Only two Methodists attended the debate. He did not have a Methodist moderator.

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