Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Beasley vs A. Nunnery (Baptist)
November 8, 1923

(By W. T. Beasley)

Bro. Beasley baptized several sectarians at Lake Creek, Oklahoma. The angry Baptist called for A. Nunnery to meet Beasley in debate September 15-22 (8 days). Nunnery was called the strongest Baptist debater in Oklahoma. The people flocked through the rain to hear the debate. Nunnery made first speech and W. T. Beasley saw his efforts were weak. He had 95 questions prepared, but did not ask them on the plan of salvation; he spent two-thirds of the third day trying to patch up defeat on Establishment of Kingdom. I tried to get him to tell us about the mourner's bench, process of getting religion, voting on church members, but he refused. He affirmed that God had only one way of saving people from Adam until 1923. He took four positions on this: (1) The only safe and infallible way for the ignorant soul is to go to God in prayer; have a direct communication with God; (2) By repentance and faith; (3) By a spiritual submerging into Chris before baptized in literal water; (4) Saved by grace without works.

Beasley affirmed the General Church Proposition the last four days. Brethren Adams, Kirk, and others said they had heard Nunnery in five debates; one each with Joe Warlick, C. R. Nichol, J. H. Lawson, and Sanderson, but he was harder pressed in ths one than ever before.

After debate two were baptized. Preaching brethren there: Henry Warlick, Lee Sanders, Sam Wall, J. H. Brock (moderator).

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