Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Beasley vs R. C. Cooper (Northern Methodist)
January 2, 1930
Pleasantville in Hickman County, Tennessee

(By Thomas J. Wagner)

November 5-7 at Pleasantville in Hickman County, Tennessee.

Bro. Beasley affirmed for two days that baptism by immersion is for the remission of sins. Beasley used Mark 16:15-16; John 3:3-5; Galatians 3:26-27; Acts 8:36-40. These teach that baptism requires much water, coming to water, going down into the water, coming up out of the water, handling the subject, birth of water, washing the body, burial, planting and resurrection; and all of this for (unto) salvation, remission of sins, to put on Christ, to get into Christ, which is his body, the church.

Mr. Cooper made a feeble attempt to refute the arguments. He ignored the charts of Bro. Beasley and most of his scriptures. He tried to show that every baptism was Holy Spirit baptism and argued that "water" in John 3:5 refers to "living water" as the kind Jesus spoke to the woman of Samaria (John 4:14). Of course taking "water" out of baptism hurt the Methodist equally. They believe in water baptism by sprinkling. The words of the eunuch "see, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized" ruined Cooper (Acts 8:36)

Cooper used John 5:24 on everlasting life to show that everlasting life is in this world and at faith without baptism. He said he has everlasting life if he keeps it. Beasley showed that if he has something that is everlasting, he cannot lose it. In vain he tried to get Cooper to notice Titus 1:2; 3:7; Romans 2:7 and Mark 10:30 where the expressions "hope of eternal life" and "in the world eternal life" are found (This was Northern Methodist or Baptist platform.)

Cooper affirmed: "That a child is born into this world with sin, or depravity, in the soul." He argued two kinds of sins (1) actual, caused by transgressions, (2) original or Adamic. He used John 9:34; Ephesians 2:3; Romans 8; Psalms 51:5. Beasley answered them all. Psalms 51:5 referred to mother and not to David's sin. Bro. Beasley showed Cooper to be out of harmony with the Methodist Discipline "that once taught original sin but later made it read that a child is born into this world in Christ. Cooper tried to show he believed which made him ridiculous. Cooper had debated us eighteen times. Three Hardshell Baptists said Beasley whipped Cooper.

Thomas J. Wagner moderated for Beasley.

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