Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Boaz vs H. K. Thomas (Missionary Baptist)
February 1, 1900

We expected a little more from Mr. Thomas than we received; we expected him to define the words of his proposition: "the penitent believer has salvation or remission of sins, before baptism" but he never did. Bro. Boaz asked him in every speech of what baptism he was speaking - - whether of Christ's or John's. Thomas gave no answer. Bro. Thomas doubted Mark 16:16 was good scripture. Thomas tried to prove every believer is saved before baptism and by fath alone. He brought up Abraham as proof that we we are under the new covenant are saved by faith alone. He took the position that Abraham's faith was made perfect when he believed, and quoted Rom. 4:3. Boaz proved by the scriptures that Abraham's faith was made perfect when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar (James 2:20-22). Thomas said there was a contradiction between Christ and John.

Bro. Boaz had a chart, "Bible Against Baptism." From the chart he quoted: "Baptist --he that believeth is saved and ought to be baptized if the church votes him in." Bro. Thomas denied that was Baptist teaching. Bro. Boaz said: "All that I know about it is that when I joined the Baptist Church under Bro. Thomas' teaching the church voted me in before Bro. Thomas baptized me." That silenced Thomas.

Bro. Thomas, a much older man, baptized Boaz into the Missionary Baptist Church only a few years ago. Bro. Boaz seeing his error, came over on the Lord's side. His scriptural arguments prove that he has studied the word of God diligently. His arguments were too strong for Thomas. The debate was well attended and will do good in this community.

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