Jon Gary Williams
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W. T. Boaz vs J. A. Locklear
February 24, 1916

(By G. C. Brewer)

Brother Boaz displayed a chart which set forth the doctrine, and practice of the church; organized on Pentecost and showing steps of induction and how its members should live. Mr. Locklear was confused and unable to answer. He said he accepted Boaz' charts, but later challenged Bro. Boaz to name the passage that put the church at Pentecost. After regaining control of himself he made the usual false charges and gave a tirade on baptism.

In Mr. Locklear's second speech he said Mr. Boaz' church could not be the Church of Christ because it did not have apostles, miracles, and tongues. Brother Boaz made short work of that. He challenged Mr. Locklear to name one apostle in his church today. He didn't - on miracles Locklear begged the question and blubbered through his entire first and quitting eight minutes before time was up. In his final negative he answered when Boaz could not. "A fine thing for a sanctified, sinless fellow."

Locklear would not declare himself on any point of doctrine: baptized in Holy Spirit, believed in total depravity. He spent his time whining. It was not a debate by a fiasco. His people said he failed. They threatened to call a Mr. H. R. Riggle, a stronger debater, our brethren agreed to pay Riggle's train fare.

Brother Boaz fully lived up to his reputation in this debate. He had no fair chance as he had no opponent, but truth was presented forcefully. He debated on a high plane. Had Mr. Locklear greater intelligence he would have defended his church or quit the debate. Brother Boaz was not abusive and his language was not offensive but his structures on Locklear's doctrine were merciless.

G. C. Brewer moderated for Boaz; Dr. Walker moderated for Locklear.

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