Jon Gary Williams
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I. B. Bradley vs A. N. Hollis (Missionary Baptist)
January 1, 1914
Greenwood, Tennessee

(By G. T. Kay)

Four-day debate at Greenwod, Tennessee.

Hollis was routed on Baptism for remission of sins and apostasy. The truths of God were never more valiantly defended. Hollis is one of the weakest of the weak when it comes to sustaining Baptist doctrine. He fortified himself with a scrapbook in which he had written all the arguments and questions used by Baptist champions like Hall, Moody, Falk, Lofton, Penick and others, for the last half century. He perversions and had no trouble shattering them and caused great gloom among the Baptist. I am sure that Hollis discovered the weakness of his beloved scrapbook in that it failed to answer Bro. Bradley.

J. W. Shepherd moderated for Bradley. T. Riley Davis of Iron City moderated for Mr. Hollis. Shepherd and Bradley won a lasting home in the hearts of people here. The Baptists have been unusually tame in these parts since the debate. (NOTE: Greenwood Church of Christ in Giles County, Tennessee)

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