Jon Gary Williams
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I. B. Bradley vs Massey (Missionary Baptist)
April 1, 1914
Rock Bridge, Sumner County, Tennessee

(By S. T. Nix)

Held at Rock Bridge, Sumner County, Tennessee, February 24-27.

Mr. Massey affirmed: "The scriptures teach that the alien sinner must pray for and expect pardon in answer to his prayer before water baptism." Bro. Bradley affirmed: "The scriptures teach that water baptism as a condition of pardon to the penitent believer is for the remission of past or alien sins." Two days given to each proposition. Mr. Sloan and Bro. J. W. Shepherd were moderators. The house packed to overflowing. This is the place where Bro. Sanford and a Mr. Thompson (Baptist) debated four days in 1912.

The two propositions cannot be reconciled. One of the propositions is wrong and should not be taught. Bro. Bradley showed profound reverence for the teaching of the Lord. He kept before the audience that truth, not victory, was the supreme desire of his heart. Best of all he carried conviction to our hearts that he was sincere in his statement. Did not both men handle the scriptures? Yes. Then, did they not handle them alike? Emphatically, NO; for had they done so, they would have arrived at the same conclusion. To handle the scriptures aright is not to array scripture against scripture, but to harmonize scripture with scripture. This is the course for us to pursue that we may be approved of God. To please God is to teach the alien sinner the law of pardon which has behind it all the power in heaven and in earth, being bound by an apostle to such a character with the truth of Jesus that it should be so ratified in heaven. To displease God is to pervert the truth to the teachings of the doctrines of men.

Homes were provided for all visitors. Hospitality was remarkable.

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